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Not only will this guide give you the exact steps that I take during my consultations, but it will also help you to show up as a confident skin expert, which then builds trust & credibility with your clients! 😍
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Not being able to sell, does NOT make you a bad therapist!
In fact, "sales" isn't even in our job description most of the time..
We aren't sales assistants, real estate agents or car sales people..
We are beauty therapists, skin therapists, estheticians, LIFE CHANGERS 😍
We do need to recommend, prescribe & rebook in order to get THE BEST results for our clients skin & to not only sustain the business we are working in but SCALE IT!
But how do you do that without feeling "pushy" & "salesy"?
All you need is a process!
Once you have a process in place, you can begin to focus on educating & HELPING people, rather than just selling to them..
Get my EXACT step by step process that I still use to this day, to help me educate clients, whilst sounding confident & professional minus the icky sales pitch 😉...
Hey, I'm SkinQueen 👋
I help beauty professionals, just like you, become knowledgeable skin experts and teach them how to build an engaged audience online, so that you can achieve business growth & success!
My vision is to motivate, inspire & develop the skills of therapists, managers & business owners within the aesthetics industry to achieve success, no matter what that looks!
My core values are to make learning & business growth easy & fun, so that you can impact as many lives as possible and become a thriving
Skin Queen 👑